/ #Android #Java 

My First Post

Hi, This is my first post. I’m computer and communication engineering student at INSA Toulouse. I’m interested in programming in : Java , C , Go lang and Javascript… Also, I’m interested in Android development , Web apps, and Security DevOps, and Linux Administration. I would like to use this blog to share information about computer science.

Android development

My Future posts will be related to these subjects. My tutorials will be focused on simplifying and coding android applications efficiently. In addition to some tips and tricks to simplify tasks. Some libraries will be introduced and used like volley…

Security DevOps

DevOps is a new term that combines development , operations throughout all stages of the development lifecycle. DevOps' goal is the automatization of deployment in an efficient way. Provisionning is a part of DevOps. Most known provisionning tools are: Puppet, SaltStack , Chef , Ansible … I will discuss some of these tools and the way to use it.