/ #grafana #alerting 

Grafana 9 Alert : How to customize alert message

Grafana added the alert feature recently and it’s now released with the Grafana 9. That’s a great feature for the people who don’t want to set a proper alermanager and to configure it. I’ve took the time to explore the alert and play with it. Let’s see how it works!

Deploy grafana and prometheus

With the docker-compose file below run the grafana and prometheus docker-compose up -d.

# docker-compose.yml file

version: "3.5"

    image: quay.io/prometheus/prometheus:latest
      #- ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
      - prometheus:/prometheus
    #command: "--config.file=/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml --storage.tsdb.path=/prometheus"
      - 9090:9090

    image: grafana/grafana:latest
      - "3000:3000"
      - grafana-storage:/var/lib/grafana

    name: prometheus
    name: grafana-storage

Build your alert

I have 2 websites running on a raspberrypi. In my case, I would like to know when the website is down and to get notified with the website name.

1- Define the alert

Using a blackbox_exporter, i have the metric probe_http_status_code that returns the status code of querying the website. To make it easy, let’s consider that the status code 200 is only the valid status_code, otherwise FIRE AN ALARM.

Blackbox_exporter showing probe_http_status_code

  • If you have a dashboard for this metric:

    • Edit the dashboard
    • Click on the tab Alert
    • Create rule for this panel
    • Start creating your alert
  • If you don’t have a dashboard for this metric:

    • In the left bar, click on Alert rules.
    • Create a new alert rule

Create a grafana alert rule

2- Preview the alert

For testing purposes, a website has been turned off to fire an alarm. Click on the button Preview alerts to show the alert labels and value.

Create a grafana alert rule

3- Build a custom description

Grafana uses Go templates to customize the alerts with the template_data. However, despite my knowledge in go templating, I’ve found this stage not very clear in grafana docs.

To access the labels of the alert in the description box, you have a root variable called $values. Then, get the var variable from the Preview alerts box. This var is the entrypoint to the labels.

An example of the description could be {{ $values.var.Labels.instance }}, In my case:

{{ $values.B0.Labels.instance }}

Grafana custom description

Define contact points

Contact points are the means that grafana can send through the alerts to the users.

You have a bunch of choices:

  • Email
  • Telegram
  • Webhook

Feel free to define your contact point. If you have any difficulties please let me know in the comment box below.